
We advise a wide range of companies in the automation technology space:

  • Robot companies
  • Automation companies
  • System integrators
  • Investment companies, Venture Capital funds  
  • Educational establishments and government departments
  • Automation and robot part manufacturers 
  • Startups and product developers
  • Automation end users 

Understanding the robot industry

We know the marketplace, the technology and the trends. The robotics space is exciting and vibrant with new products changing the business every day. At the same time reliability and repeatability are the foundations of robotic production. 

There is a cultural and technological quake that is shaking the way in which automation works. Industry 4.0, the connected approach to production, has hit the mainstream. All stakeholders, from investors to production managers to consumers expect more from technology and robots. By understanding the various threads of development we can see how they will be woven into the fabric of tomorrows production. 

How we work 

We work in several ways and can tailor to suit your requirements. We do phone consultancy, conduct research, write reports, make site visits and provide presentations. Obviously we work in strict confidence - please download our standard Non Disclosure Agreement by clicking this link

A broader approach  

Having helped startups from the very beginning, advised automotive giants and everything in between we also consult on a wider range of business development issues. Some areas we cover

  • IP, trademarks, market regulations and legal 
  • 3D printing, design and production
  • Branding, identity, marketing 
  • USP and niche identification 
  • Business growth and funding 
  • Harnessing technology for business
  • Competing in the global market 

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